THE PROBLEMS

See the source imageToday I am going to tell you the story of a joker, yes the joker who you can see in the circus or some were else but actually, I am not going to tell you about that this is the story of a man a boy a person who is not happy from there life but ten also he is acting like he is ok many of there friends thought that what a good life he has but they never know that for what problems he was dealing with.


The person who was the mask on his face of happiness they are actually a joker, with friends with a family with their relatives he saws how good or happy he is but in reality the god or his heart knew that how in the problem he is many times they just QUIT but the person who lives that means he had fear of death but then also they wanted that in somehow condition he live there life…                                        


Let me tell you one story of a real joker 

One day one person visited in the hospital when the doctor asked him what was the problem he had then he told that he have something in his inner he can’t be able to happy anymore he always feel sad and alone whenever he go he just found her self alone and is heart just like try to blast but he can't he feel sad in every movement then he told the doctor to give him some medicins to feel happy then the doctor told him: look my friend medicines are not a just solution of all the problem, then he advises him that there is one circus and there is one joker who always feels everyone happy so you go and watch that show so that he can feel good then that person replies his that [HIS THE JOCKER WHO IS WARKING THERE]


The person who looks very happy that doesn’t mean that he is actually happy so that’s my advice to all of you that when you find someone or your friend to just react differently or trying to show you his happy face then just asked this that he is alright and as a good friend just talk with him because with more than anything a friend just want to be with them at any condition




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