magic of music

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 hello geys

In this world now if we see then lot's of people were suffering from some kind of stress.

some peoples were searching for job and some are searching for a love.  Many of the peoples were just rearing behind the money and and for that all the peoples were going deeper in the stress and for that reason all the peoples were now happy and they feel like they don't have and one to share there problems and that is very big reasons 

MUSIC is the most heart and brain relaxing thing if a person just leasing music then for a short time only but he just forget his problem and feel good 

some poets says that:,

As I came to the edge of the woods,
Thrush music - hark!
Now if it was dusk outside,
Inside it was dark.

This poem was said by Robert frost 

music is an art

hello dear readers this is my first blog so if you like it please recommend your friends to come and read this blog..

thankyou so much...........


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